Moving my Work Out of Open Hospitality Network; Announcing SolidCouch

After prolonged efforts at conflict resolution and project division within Open Hospitality Network (OHN), I've decided to move the code repositories I started and authored literally or virtually out of OHN control. My contributions as part of OHN as will continue as a more generic project, which it was meant to be from the start: SolidCouch.

This decision was made after careful deliberation of my options, given the ongoing challenges in reaching a mutual agreement. To protect my work and to alleviate the stress and anxiety caused by this uncertainty, I felt this step was necessary for my emotional well-being.

While it's a painful decision to let go of the domain and its budding community, I am glad to share that, thanks to Solid, you will soon be able to sign in to Tired Bike with your Solid identity and data. This ensures you can maintain all connections and messages, and use both SolidCouch instances interchangeably.

I withdraw my implicit consent from OHN and Sleepy Bike for using my intellectual property, including but not limited to the logos and designs that I authored and hold copyright to: the Bicycle chain link with tired or other eyes, and the connected chain links with diverse eyes and colors. Source code published under the MIT license can continue to be used in line with the license. The MIT license applies to the software, not to the usage of the logos to represent projects.

The process is still ongoing. There are important aspects that remain unresolved. (This section was edited.)

While I would prefer to continue working with the community forming around the domain, this will not be sustainable for me under the current circumstances.

Next Steps

I will discontinue hosting the critical infrastructure for on my personal server after some time. To facilitate a smoother transition for the community, I will keep it online for several weeks or months.

Personal Note

On a personal level, I fear the possibility of false accusations being spread about me. If you hear anything concerning, please don't hesitate to reach out to me directly.
