List of Posts
- 2024-08-01 Announcing SolidCouch
- 2024-07-14 Troubles with Solid Groups
- 2022-09-19 How do leaves grow?
- 2022-07-06 I need Solid to change
- 2021-01-10 Leaving Trustroots Volunteering
- 2019-01-05 42
- 2018-02-19 Are you normal?
- 2017-10-29 Quit facebook!
- 2017-07-14 Unix timestamp has a birthday!
- 2017-02-25 Short on Self-Ownership
- 2017-01-04 Memento Mori
- 2016-11-26 Async await, welcome to Node.js!
- 2016-11-22 Speak That Language
- 2016-11-21 And So It Starts
- 2016-10-29 Go Blog Go
- 2015 Fish Key